Joy on Earth

- Order number: T-562
CD from Taizé with English chants
(Taizé, 1999) [65'10] - English
Laudate Dominum - Wait for the Lord - Alleluia 17, with verses from Psalm 26 (27) - Reading (John 15:9-11) - We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ (Adoramus te O Christe) - Kyrie eleison 17, with intercessions - There can be no greater love (Grande est ta bonté) - Prayer by Brother Roger - Heavens sing with gladness (Jubilate cœli) - Stay with me (Bleibet hier) - Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison - Glory to God in the highest (Gloria Deo) - Apostles Creed (Credo) - Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus Dominus Deus) - Dying you destroyed our death (Memorial acclamation) - Our Father - Agnus Dei - dona nobis pacem (Grant us peace, Lord) - Jesus the Lord is risen (Surrexit) - Where there is charity (Ubi Caritas Deus ibi est) - Veni Sancte Spiritus - Our soul is waiting (Notre âme attend le Seigneur) - This is the day (Psallite Deo) - Let your servant now go in peace (Nunc dimittis)